There is Life after the SAP Go Live

By |June 25th, 2012|

One of the areas that academic literature, consulting firms, and most system integrators rarely address is the organizational acceptance, full use, and assimilation of the SAP package. To the extent the system integrators or consulting firms do mention post production support, they generally only do so in the context of managed services or outsourcing. They do little to help companies develop a thriving production environment with your own resources. One of the biggest problems I see anywhere i [...]

Investigative Report: Enterprise Application Guest Worker Fraud in America

By |June 18th, 2012|

My last post on why Guest Worker IT Firms Crash Then Burn When Investigating Visa Fraud provided some background on guest worker fraud that has been investigated. The whistle-blowing activity of a Jack Palmer about Infosys created much of the spark to light this match. However, Infosys should not be considered an isolated incident. As Jack Palmer’s case demonstrates, consultants who are tired of the fraud have options. His conviction and dedication indicates that you must be willing to stand up [...]

Being an Expert Witness in an SAP System Integrator or Consultant Fraud Trial

By |May 29th, 2012|

Those who have followed this site for any period of time are probably aware that one of my passions is to see the whole business application space “cleaned up.” A recent group of comments and private messages I have received about consultants who knowingly commit fraud really got me aggravated. I've actually received e-mails through my site from these “freshers” who would brag about having their fake resume ready and they were excited about actually conning their first customer. Enough already, [...]

SAP Service Delivery versus Value Delivery

By |April 30th, 2012|

In my review of academic literature around SAP or ERP implementations, I find some thought-provoking items. Recently, I reviewed a study that helped me to form a more complete picture of important issues in IT delivery. Even though I have been writing about it for years, I gained a new clarity around evaluating some of the existing delivery models [FN1]. What it comes down to is this question: Are you looking for service delivery or business results for your SAP project? SAP Service Delivery or [...]

SAP Customer Responsibility for SAP Project Success

By |April 23rd, 2012|

Some time ago, I put together a synthesis of SAP success criteria based on academic literature and my own personal experience. The table below is part of the list of SAP Success Factors for Vender Selection – Responsibility Matrix. For a more detailed explanation of each of the vendor-related items, see the posts listed in the Series on SAP ERP Project Success Factors. In the prior series, we went through SAP success factors with shared responsibilities between the company adopting the SAP appl [...]

Creating a Knowledge-Centered Learning Organization

By |April 16th, 2012|

This post is a continuation of Business Transformation for IT Leadership and is part of a journey around Organizational Change Management Inside the IT Support Organization. To achieve an active, vibrant, knowledge-sharing learning organization, you need some baseline understanding of what your goals are. You need a culture that produces, organizes, disseminates, applies, and then refines information (see the image to the left). This leads me to the next key point that few people who call thems [...]