ERP Business Case: Do You Really Need a New System?

By |November 1st, 2009|

In many cases, those pushing for a new ERP system are comparing the worst of the current environment to an idealistic ERP concept. Sometimes the best way to avoid a train wreck is not to get on the train. In other words, do you really need a new ERP system, and if so, is now the right time to proceed? Performing an honest and thorough assessment of business needs and alternatives is an important part of taking ownership in the ERP business case. These questions are not popular to ERP enthusiast [...]

CRM, ERP, BI, and IT Investment — Where Do You Find the Business Benefit?

By |September 19th, 2009|

  Most companies want to use CRM applications to "supercharge" their sales forces. They want higher customer retention and acquisition than their competitors, managing the sales pipeline and having better market insight. But few companies realize these goals. After going through some of the academic studies and literature about CRM implementation, evidence suggests that some companies see limited benefit from their CRM implementations, but they are not happy overall. These anecdotal accoun [...]

ERP Failure: The Organization is More Than Partially To Blame

By |September 15th, 2009|

You really have to wonder: Does any organization spend millions of dollars on SAP (or any other software) with the goal of failing? The scope of a typical ERP project impacts almost every aspect of the organization, and the implementation risks are real. Often, an actual project's timeline far exceeds the original schedule. The cost of consulting services alone can grow four to five times the cost of the ERP software (with even greater upside risk potential). However, we have all heard the horr [...]

Realizing SAP Business Benefit

By |August 26th, 2009|

When implementing or upgrading SAP, too often I encounter vendors and consultants who believe they are more qualified than they actually are. Think of backyard mechanics who changed the oil on someone's cars and checked the tire pressure a few times, then somehow think that qualifies them to do engine overhauls on Formula 1 race cars. Similarly, why do you expect old-style implementation vendors and consultants to transform your business into a competitive powerhouse by only addressing cost-foc [...]

Protecting the SAP Project’s Budget and Timeline

By |July 11th, 2009|

  For years I have heard stories about blown SAP budgets and blown SAP project timelines. Personally, I have experienced a few project overruns [FN1], and a few where we came in under budget. However, I can’t say any of the projects were ever early. While I believe that coming in under budget is often possible, reducing the time frame is much more difficult because of the planning and coordination processes. You need to adjust all of the parallel work streams and get the coordination and t [...]

Planning For a Smooth Go-Live: Part 3

By |October 24th, 2008|

3. ERP or SAP Process issues Let me start with a caveat to this section. No matter how good, thorough, experienced, or conscientious a consultant or a core team member is, a project will always experience a few process gaps, and an occasional completely missing process discovered at go-live. Now that the caveat is out of the way, process problems can occur for many reasons: inexperienced consultants, company employees who miss some of the process exceptions, inadequate training, insufficient in [...]