Lower SAP Application Support Costs – TCO – by Reducing Custom Solutions

By |June 21st, 2010|

Previously I explained the two primary types of implementations-- with SAP or any other ERP package, you will do business process engineering or software engineering. The differences in these two types of implementation approaches will have a major impact on your total cost of ownership (TCO) and your long-term application lifecycle costs. ------------------------------- Software Engineering or Business Process Engineering? https://www.iitrun.com/sap-implementation-focus-software-engineering-or [...]

ERP Project Plan: Getting Real (Part 4)

By |June 17th, 2010|

Twelve Tips to Avoid an ERP Schedule Disaster In my previous blog entries, we established the need to develop a valid ERP project schedule as a tool to manage the project and set the right expectations (in terms of time and budget). The point is ERP planning is not about throwing darts to come up with dates or forcing a schedule to say what we want it to say. We can wish all we want, but a schedule should reflect project realities, and agreed upon planning assumptions. In addition, we previousl [...]

SAP Implementation Partner or Company Selection Criteria

By |June 5th, 2010|

Project success depends on an implementation partner's ability to ensure business transformation occurs. Can the SAP implementation partner or company deliver business process engineering together WITH the new system? Or, as with so many of them, do they just install systems and call that an implementation? Lately, I have been focused on developing a solid and repeatable ERP software and vendor selection process. While reviewing the academic literature and reflecting on my time working with SAP [...]

The Top 5 ERP Success Factors by Project Stage from 22 Critical Success Factors

By |April 26th, 2010|

  A while back, I was reviewing academic material on ERP/SAP Project success factors. One particular study stood out because it laid out 22 specific success factors by project stage [FN1]. Even though this study dates from 2001, the Critical Success Factors (or CSFs) still ring true today, and the conclusions are consistent with what I have seen on SAP projects since I started in 1994. While the sample size was somewhat limited (86 completed questionnaires), the data and information prov [...]

ERP Project Plan: Getting Real (Part 2)

By |April 16th, 2010|

In many cases, the ERP project plan is not worth the paper on which it is printed. Worse yet, many project managers shoot themselves in the foot because they prematurely commit to a project schedule and budget that sets unrealistic management expectations. Once cast, expectations will not go away and only come back to haunt you later. Could this be one reason why many ERP projects fail? Even when the schedule and budget are formally published, many plans are quickly tossed out the window becaus [...]

ERP, SAP, or IT Project Management and Prototyping for Success

By |March 15th, 2010|

Over the years I have worked with teams that had great project management and others that had poor project management. The projects with really good project management generally ran smoothly with less stress, allowing the team to be more productive. A Few of the Characteristics of a Well-Managed ERP Project I have noticed a few consistent elements in well-managed projects. Those elements can be summed up in the following list:   The project manager produces a published project plan with ta [...]