SAP and Waste Management Finally Settle

By |May 12th, 2010|

After a contentious battle that started brewing in March of 2008, SAP and Waste Management have reached a settlement agreement. While they have not disclosed the details, it appears that the whole issue was becoming so expensive to litigate that they found moving on more cost effective. According to a CIO article published on April 9, 2009, SAP had 25–30 contract attorneys working on the litigation, which cost them millions. SAP also claimed that their legal discovery process had cost over a mi [...]

Aligning SAP Scope to Meaningful Business Requirements

By |April 13th, 2010|

I am always amazed at how many projects miss one of the most important (and relatively simple) scoping requirements. The worst part is that projects don’t just miss it, but they get it completely backward! After doing SAP projects since 1994, I still cannot believe SAP’s customers don’t use the old “Seven Habits” step of starting with the end in mind. What do I mean by that? Start Your SAP Project with Reports and Business Requirements Why do so many projects wait until they are live with some [...]

Achieve Breakthrough ERP, SAP, or IT Project Success: 1 of 4

By |January 18th, 2010|

The first part of a series on how to see through the smoke and mirrors sales tactics in assessing your vendor RFP, vendor selection, and early stages of your SAP, ERP, or IT project. Details of strategies and approaches to neutralize these vendor tactics are defined so that you get the absolute BEST RESULTS from the BEST RESOURCES anyone can provide.

Breakthrough Project Success: 2 of 4, IT Vendor Proposal RFP

By |January 18th, 2010|

10 steps to reduce the vendor proposal shell games and sales tactics that prevent you from achieving the best possible results. Tactics, strategies, and techniques for getting past the sales pitches to the substance of the proposal and selecting the best possible IT system vendor for the best possible project results.

Competitive Pressures and Value Propositions, Is Lean the Answer?

By |November 10th, 2009|

Modern technology allows international outsourcing, greater agility, quicker product design to market, and specialized focus on niche markets, lowering the barrier to entry for new competitors and causing more market specialization. On the flip side, customers have a wide variety of information from sellers and the Internet about products, design, services, options, pricing, and availability. Business is more dynamic than ever. Because of the pace of change, focusing on internal process improve [...]