Why (and How) You Should Include Stakeholders in Your ERP Project

By |February 7th, 2024|

As you are planning out your project, you will find that stakeholders play a vital role in its success. As a result, you should incorporate analysis of current stakeholders and execute a quality stakeholder management strategy throughout the creation and implementation of the project. What Are Stakeholders Specifically? The Project Management Institute defines stakeholders as anyone who is interested in a project’s success. 1 More specifically, internal stakeholders are anyone directly particip [...]

Agile Project Methods for SAP ERP Projects?

By |October 29th, 2012|

Looking at the "Agile Manifesto" and how Agile methods have been applied generally involves small, discrete, "digestible" work and task components. Juggling the number and complexity of dependencies on a full-scale SAP ERP project involves management and coordination efforts, which completely go against the idea of pure Agile methods. ====== ERP projects tend to have too many moving parts and dependencies for Agile, as the methodology provides too little control and coordination. The level of c [...]

Being an Expert Witness in an SAP System Integrator or Consultant Fraud Trial

By |May 29th, 2012|

Those who have followed this site for any period of time are probably aware that one of my passions is to see the whole business application space “cleaned up.” A recent group of comments and private messages I have received about consultants who knowingly commit fraud really got me aggravated. I've actually received e-mails through my site from these “freshers” who would brag about having their fake resume ready and they were excited about actually conning their first customer. Enough already, [...]

Do You Know When To Do SAP Custom Development?

By |April 11th, 2011|

Use SAP Best Business Practices For Commodity Processes But More Carefully Evaluate Competitive Processes The debate and discussion around SAP best business practices usually assumes an “either-or” mindset. Either you use the SAP best business practices as they are, or you abandon them (for more background on SAP's "Best Business Practices," see What are SAP Best Business Practices Anyway). Several commentators suggest you should not do a software vendor’s “best practices” because you adopt the [...]

Software Consulting Firms and Clients Myths and Half Truths

By |December 6th, 2010|

The following is a post from my friend Steve Phillips who runs a great site entitled "Street Smart ERP Blog." This is a nice complement to the series I just finished on SAP and ERP critical success factors. ================= Steve Phillips writes: Having spent the majority of my career in the shoes of a software consultant or client, I have often wondered why many find it necessary to perpetuate the old myths and half-truths regarding the consultant/client relationship. My feeling is given the [...]

Successful SAP Project Team Composition – Technicians or Experts?

By |September 27th, 2010|

Continuing on the theme from a previous post about getting SAP expertise, do you need SAP Technicians or Experts? I want to take some time to review an academic study about gaining SAP ROI and reducing your SAP TCO. The study points out the type of SAP project team expertise to gain ROI and competitive advantage from your ERP project. If you want real return, real results, and real benefits, then you need real skill (see e.g. Screening and Interview Methods to Find the Right Consultant – Part 2 [...]