The name for IITRun started many years ago in association with R3Now and SAP’s R3 product. Over the years, the R3Now tagline went from SAP with the Customer Point of View to Innovate, Integrate, and Transform. The passing of R3, and then ECC making way for S/4HANA, prompted changes: new branding, new insights, new approach. We needed something timeless but meaningful. Rather than a typical founder last name, or an invented word for a name, we chose to focus on how we help businesses succeed. We chose the name that represented our tagline– IITRun for Innovate. Integrate. Transform. Run!
As we attempted to rebrand, we found no easy way to do so. As a result, R3Now Consulting is still around and doing business as (dba) IITRun.

Because of the R3Now Consulting infrastructure, assets, agreements, and IP — all with the investment and effort in developing and building R3Now over the years — we found it difficult to update and rebrand to a new business name and start over. R3Now is still there but operates as IITRun to reflect our long-term focus.
In our experience helping customers transition from older ECC technologies to S/4HANA, we have seen organizations face similar challenges on a larger scale:
- Do you do a greenfield and completely re-deploy?
- Do you do brownfield and just accept the artifacts from the past?
- Or, do you do something in between?
After careful evaluation, we recognized that we had to keep the shell of R3Now Consulting. However, to continue to be relevant and move with the Digital Age, we needed to rebuild so we can focus on what matters most to customers. In the context of our SAP delivery work, we focus on real business transformation through innovation, integration, and transformation to a new future-run state.
With such a minor item as our rebranding exercise, and the challenges of changing over twenty years of our strategically built brand, we understand on a smaller scale that your move from ECC to S/4HANA is not an easy decision. Personally, we opted for the “greenfield” approach while retaining our legacy heritage as long as necessary. Similar to the customers we have helped with their transition from ECC to S/4HANA, and our smaller-scale transformation, we understand the struggles of the change. Over the years, our delivery focus has moved from pure technology delivery (R3Now) to digital business enabled by technology (Innovate. Integrate. Transform. Run…). Additionally, we have gained a significant focus on business transformation to change markets with technology. If the technology doesn’t add value and improve the business, then why go through the trouble?
Let us know what you think!