How Are We Different?
When considering a technology partner, your key considerations should be around one primary driver:
“Can they help us succeed at a reasonable cost?”
Once you have chosen a software package such as SAP, the foundation for that driver is what contributes to success. To build this foundation, a provider must offer a few key considerations:
- A good methodology
- The right resources
- The right experience
Sadly, in most cases, the only real differentiation among most of the world’s system integrators is resources. Most other differentiation is in marketing, advertising, and perception.
Continue reading to see how we deliver more than the hype!
The Right Resources
Many system integrators and big consulting firms lack integrity with their resource availability. Regardless of the claims, they don’t have a bench. Unless a project has just ended, benched resources quickly become unemployed resources. No consulting firm carries the salary cost for very long for consultants who are not billing. Unfortunately, this is why so much resource bait and switch occurs.
Think about the last time you tried to hire a skilled technology professional. Finding good talent is not easy. Regardless of the claims, technology providers have the same challenge, especially when they are trying to get their desired profit margins.
What if you could tap into the right resources, with the best skills and talent, anywhere in the world? Not just the “we are big and we are everywhere” claims, but the “A” team right where you need them?
IITRun does not offer your typical staff augmentation or recruiter placement model. Rather, we provide the “A” team, rather than just the first body and resume we can convince you to accept as quickly as possible.

Domain Experience
No matter how much experience a firm may have within an industry, application, or solution area, the consultants provided for your engagement frequently do not represent that experience.
Why do companies that are considering a service provider spend so much time to check a box, often in areas that have nothing to do with the people who will actually be delivering your solution?
Consulting firms claim that methodology, tools, and templates make the real difference. They invest time and effort trying to convince you of this when, if you think about your own experience, the resources they provide actually make the difference.
What if you could have those top-tier “A” players go with the methodology at a reasonable rate? That is where IITRun is completely different: We can do just that!
To provide genuinely better, faster, and cheaper service delivery, we do things differently. After more than two decades focusing on enterprise solutions such as SAP, we have developed a stellar network of independent rock stars.
We offer not just a staff augmentation type model, but a different way of doing business. We operate as a consortium with those who have been in the business for many years and continue to thrive as free agents. These are the people who could get a full-time position at virtually any major consulting firm, but have developed the skills to prove their value and continue to stay in the contract market. In other words, they are comfortable delivering real value!
How do the large system integrators work? If there is a new requirement, they may go to the street to hire many of the same people other consulting firms eliminated because of moderate performance, bench cost reduction, or other reasons. These are the same resources who are accustomed to the security of a regular paycheck. They are not the free agents who consistently deliver results to keep their own small business running.
When you add this level of talent to a rate structure that is generally lower than the big overhead consulting companies, you end up with the ingredients for a better, faster, and cheaper solution.
Our Story
We provide something completely different from a staffing firm, which is far more effective with the quality of resources for the cost than any of the large system integrators– a consortium of experts.
Many years ago, as we worked together on projects and encountered other “A-Team” members, we toyed with the idea of building a business together. Because we were all friends but had somewhat different tax, finance, and operating requirements, we couldn’t make a traditional partnership or corporation work. However, we knew that we wanted to continue working together so we could operate as one team. As a result, we chose to form a collection of the very best and most senior-level resources, charging rates that are closer to the large company junior resources.
Today, we operate in the United States, Mexico, and India. Additionally, we are looking at expansion into Eastern Europe and possibly Spain.
Our United States resources are the most senior. However, our Mexico resources are also highly skilled, have great English skills, and work U.S. hours. Additionally, our India resources are experienced and talented. We don’t hire freshers; rather, we let the big consulting companies hire them and train them up. Then, we bring them on after they provide a decent track record and verifiable skills.
How does this affect you, our potential client and partner in success?
Our first principles are completely client centered and client focused. Everyone who works with us must agree to be bound by these principles. We have published them so you know what our focus is: Leadership – Innovate. Integrate. Transform. Run. In short, IITRun.
Because we are a collection of the most talented and senior-level solution delivery consultants around, and because we have experience working together, we can get the job done when others may struggle or fail.
With nearly all of the leaders in our consortium having more than twenty years of hands-on experience, we are able to deliver solutions faster and of higher quality than many of the larger system integrators.
We simply don’t have excessive non-delivery overhead within our consortium. Therefore, we don’t need an army of delivery support (PMs, BAs, Admins, etc.) to try to land on your project, on your dime, to be trained and paid for by you.
Can we provide them? Yes! Too often however, they are just expensive overhead looking for non-value-add busy work.
Simply put, because we have a light administrative footprint but share some administrative costs and burdens, we have very low overhead.
Give us a chance and see for yourself!

Methodology, Tools, and Templates
Our Methodology is aligned to the entire lifecycle of a program. We use vendor-delivered methodologies that they invest in and support, with a focus on covering potential gaps.
Most of the major consulting companies have something similar. However, they try to lock you into their proprietary methodology and tools. Additionally, they often lack the guiding philosophy to infuse the following key capabilities into the delivery:
- Enterprise thinking
- Transformation thinking
- Simplification
- Your ability to absorb change
- Strategy
- Future operational capability
This is where our Innovate-Integrate-Transform-Run approach overlays our delivery methodology, tools, and templates.
As we said in the beginning, our name is different because we focus on an over-arching approach that we infuse into all that we do. Everything is designed around that approach:
- The idea that you must Innovate around technology, people, and process.
- The need to Integrate business drivers, technology, and future state thinking (innovation) together, beyond technology integration.
- The idea that Transformation is a business endeavor that requires people to deliver value with technology as the enabler of that Transformation. After all, technology changes every day, but unless it facilitates your organization’s success, then what transformation is there?
- And finally, the Run. This isn’t just typical application support (although we do that, too!). This is ongoing Innovation, sales, marketing, and thought leadership support.
Our approach and methodology are all about executing on a vision for the future that is sparked with Innovation, executed on through Integration, delivered in Transformation, and supported to Run your organization.
For us, this vision is exciting! After all, enabling digital transformation and successful business strategy is our passion.
Peer-Reviewed and Widely Published Thought Leadership
Even before it was called digital, we were pioneers in digital, customer experience, customer focus, and user experience. Back then, we referred to it as “ERP 3,” because we could foresee the next customer-focused evolution in technology. Don’t believe us? Check out this post, and then review the significant number of peer-reviewed references and conference presentation material for organizations such as IEEE.
Strategy and innovation are embedded in our approach. We were early to define and develop an easy-to-understand IT strategy model based on research that anyone can use. While strategy is hard, understanding strategy doesn’t need to be!
Our innovation goes way beyond the ordinary “customer needs and wants” that all of the consulting firms peddle. As Henry Ford said (paraphrased), if he had asked what people wanted, they would have told him a faster horse!
As for methodology, templates, tools, and resources, where do you think many of these consulting companies got them from? From rock star consultants such as us, who learned, adapted, and developed new ways of delivering real value. After more than two decades, we understand what works and what doesn’t. Accordingly, we have built the tools, templates, methodologies, and resources to supplement the SAP methodology.
Reach out today, and let us show you how we can help!
- Exceptional delivery to achieve world-class results, ROI, and success for your initiatives.
- The right talent aligned to your needs, so you can transform frustration into solutions and uncertainty into productivity.
- A league of extraordinary talent who assist with digital business in an uncertain and often chaotic marketplace.