From Vision to Reality: Unleashing the Power of ERP Goals in IT Evolution (Part 1)

By |February 12th, 2024|

Introduction: Navigating the IT Landscape with Purpose As businesses navigate the intricate landscape of IT processes, the need to align their strategies with ERP implementation goals becomes more pronounced than ever. In response, we have composed a series exploring the ERP implementation planning process. Today, we delve into the art of crafting SMART ERP goals, ensuring they harmonize seamlessly with overarching business strategies. Additionally, we unveil the critical role of leadership in [...]

Why (and How) You Should Include Stakeholders in Your ERP Project

By |February 7th, 2024|

As you are planning out your project, you will find that stakeholders play a vital role in its success. As a result, you should incorporate analysis of current stakeholders and execute a quality stakeholder management strategy throughout the creation and implementation of the project. What Are Stakeholders Specifically? The Project Management Institute defines stakeholders as anyone who is interested in a project’s success. 1 More specifically, internal stakeholders are anyone directly particip [...]

A Deep Dive into Resource Allocation

By |February 2nd, 2024|

As the project team sets out a plan for the implementation, resource allocation is among one of the most important aspects to consider. When the team puts resource organization and optimization at the forefront, they achieve a project that performs efficiently, produces quality results, and incurs lower costs. Additionally, they can more easily deliver the project within the designated timeline. Fundamental Steps to Resource Allocation and Optimization As the team begins to work on this process [...]